[ibox type=warning] Recommended Course Length: 120 minutes
Recommended Audiences:
- Commercial elevator employees, managers, supervisors
- Farm owners, operators, supervisors, employees;
- Rescue personnel and health professionals;
- Farm Bureau managers/staff, Extension educators, and agribusiness leaders and employees
- Temporary and migrant workers
- Anyone working on or around farms and elevators as course provides necessary awareness of hazards; provides necessary information prior to anyone contemplating entry into a confined space; and provides a knowledge base for those who may have to assist with a confined space emergency.
Course Description: Grain bins, silos, railcars, and other storage facilities often meet the criteria to be classified as a confined space. This module offers an overview of confined space characteristics and the safety precautions to be followed when working in these spaces. Content will focus on proper identification and assessment of hazards prior to working in or around these spaces; examine accepted methods to prevent, eliminate or reduce hazards; explore the criteria for determining if an area is a confined space; discuss Entry Permits and Personal Protective Equipment; provide “Best Practices” for working in confined spaces; and discuss NAGCAT recommendations and OSHA standards. This is a slightly more technical course and has more regulatory emphasis. Although many structures are not thought of as confined spaces under the OSHA definition, they pose the same types of risk and hazards. Due to the high prevalence of “confined” or semi confined spaces in both commercial elevators and farms this is strongly recommended as a ‘must’ course for both commercial elevators and farms. Concepts taught are transferable to all confined spaces on farms and other agribusiness operations.
Basic Goals:
- Participants will understand the characteristics of a confined space.
- Participants will be able to identify hazards associated with confined spaces and other enclosed structures.
- Participants will understand and be able to implement the safety procedures to follow prior to any work being performed in a confined or enclosed space.
- Participants will understand the Permit process and be able to identify appropriate PPE to use when working in or around confined spaces.