FREE/LOW COST Grain Handling Safety Education AVAILABLE NOW!

  • Grain entrapments, falls, and entanglements are among the leading causes of injuries and fatalities at commercial grain facilities and farms.

  • On average, 167 agricultural workers suffer a lost-work-time injury every day; 5% of these injuries result in permanent impairment.

  • Annually, 113 youth under 20 years old die from farm-related injuries and increasing number of under 21 year olds involved in engulfments.

  • A changing workforce – temporary workers and/or workers with little or no experience in grain handling.

Educate your workers and community to identify, avoid, and eliminate the grain handling hazards which result in injuries and deaths each year.  Learn & Live – a safe community is a better place to live.

The Grain Handling Safety Coalition (GHSC) wants to help you keep your workplace and community safe. With grant funds to help support training costs, this is a great opportunity to offer safety education in your community!  Partner with others to sponsor the event, a meal, or snacks. All you need to do is choose the date, place, time, and topic(s). GHSC will do the rest – provide trainers, training materials, promotion materials and assist you with promotion efforts.

Affordable & Simple – Just follow the steps below to bring awareness and education to your workplace and community.

  1. Find Partners with safety interests.
    Partnerships foster safe practices and send a positive message throughout the local grain community – from the producers to the local elevators. Partner with others such as county farm bureaus, extension offices, commercial elevators, FSA, Farm Credit Services, insurance companies, agribusinesses, medical facilities – options are endless.
  2. Host/Sponsor a training event.
  3. Choose a day, time & location that works best for your audience.|
    Choose a day, evening, weekend, or combine training with a scheduled event.
  4. Schedule Recommendations:    All day (6-7.5 training hours) – 4+ modules
    Half Day (4-5 training hours) – 2-4 modules
    3 hours or less – 1-2 modules
  5. Choose the topics.
    See the attached list of training modules and content description.  Train the trainer is available for all modules.
  6. Contact GHSC Training and Program Promotion Coordinator – Alex.
    Alex will help you plan the training, schedule trainers, provide promotional materials, and assist in promotion efforts.
  7. Promote the training.
    Advertise to area farmers and farm workers; elevator supervisors and employees; and community agribusiness.
  8. Hold the training!
    Minimum 25 participants preferred. (Contact us about smaller groups). Out of state training is available.

Contact us TODAY to schedule your training event!

 Coordinator – Grain Safety Training & Program Promotion

To take advantage of current grant support, training must be held by September 29, 2018.