10 am Harvest Safety Learning Series – Personal Safety During Harvest
September 21, 2021 @ 10:00 am - 11:30 am CDT
GHSC Harvest Safety Learning Series #2
When hazards cannot be eliminated and engineering controls won’t work, personal safety really is personal. When the last line or ONLY line of defense is a person’s actions or personal protective equipment (PPE) what should they know? This interactive presentation will demonstrate and discuss some of these situations including recent innovations in PPE, from head to toe, and describe how each innovation breaks down a barrier for the use and usability of PPE. Presenters: Ellen Duysen, MPH,COCH, Outreach Coordinator, Central States Center for Agricultural Safety & Health (CS-CASH), University of Nebraska Medical Center; Paul Ronczkowski, MPH, CSP, Owner White Eagle Occupational Safety and Health Services, LLC, Professor Emeritus, Illinois State University; John Lee, SHES Director (Safety, Health, Environmental Services), Grain & Feed Association of Illinois